Achaemenid History XV n. 46 |

Place (Region) Tamirtu Parakku ša Ištar (Borsippa)
Archive Ilia D None
CDLI no.
Museum Number BM 94783
Scribe Nabû-ittannu/[PN]
Period | Year | Range Ach | None | 508 - 1 (BC)
Babylonian Date Dar03-[ ]-14
Comment to Date
Text Type Lease contract
Content Annulment of a cultivation contract
Distinctive Protagonists
Bibliography Waerzeggers, C., The Ezida Temple of Borsippa. Priesthood, Cult, Archives. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Osten, 2010 (= Achaemenid History XV)

2 Glyphs

Sign: RI
Reading: ri
Context: I.da-ri-i’-muš
Note: RN (r. l.4')
ID: 160fe5db-5385-4fd2-9498-de4aa44b9132__achaemenid-history-xv-n-46

Sign: RA
Reading: ra
Context: garim gu-ra-a’-ib
Note: GN (l.1)
ID: 3a940eed-90cb-4c7f-8cc5-48cc3c00f604__achaemenid-history-xv-n-46