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Total results: 13044

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Glyph Tablet Sign Reading Context
78049c29-f7e6-4fd5-ad94-63abf01d21e3 BCHP 14 LU lu URU Se-lu-ke-'a-a-a
1cf4545a-5c91-4a17-afef-357bde5f4779 BCHP 14 SI se se
ccc9bc0a-7146-4976-8cb0-7a071a80a838 BCHP 14 BU bu lìb-bu-ú
7da385cf-425f-4174-92ea-7c0c9fa31309 BCHP 14 Ú ú lìb-bu-ú
618b4ba3-ae76-4c1b-9bae-346869c9bc19 BCHP 14 MEŠ MEŠ ŠÉŠ.MEŠ
ab40937c-759e-427e-b74f-808eb7b752d5 BCHP 14 NI Ì Ì.GIŠ
65123933-5102-4227-804d-0da7e0aa2c92 BCHP 14 LUGAL LUGAL LUGAL
0ec76af7-1418-4148-86b5-34bd18cbbb69 BCHP 14 BI bi ina qí-bi
2b517a93-1901-4aa3-b861-0af413680b0f BCHP 14 MA ma ina IGI-ma
dc452eed-ca53-4eb2-b5d9-250505733163 BCHP 14 ŠI IGI ina IGI-ma
522391ac-2d93-4d46-bd30-e1192d054202 BCHP 14 ŠÁ šá šá
26a6bf17-6358-4cd4-972b-ed2ff854e714 BCHP 14 KAM KAM MU 1 ME 49.KAM
f9116587-2ad6-46c1-8e71-a8723a33911b BCHP 14 ME ME MU 1 ME 49.KAM
e20a0255-856f-4345-acf1-d97c35ee3693 BCHP 14 MU MU MU 1 ME 49.KAM
2f8c932d-f63a-43c3-9ea7-5ba1c65353f2 YOS 21 204 ZU zuú
be41cefe-5687-40e8-8de0-ed4fa0618149 YOS 21 204 UN unú
59846c0c-39fe-46b1-8421-10288e53c093 YOS 21 204 ŠEŠ ŠEŠ I.ŠEŠ-'u-ú-tu
8fc5273f-828d-4acc-9f11-6c26263f3693 YOS 21 203 BÀD BÀD URU.BÀD Ú-gu-mu
0d4b4abc-e88b-4a9f-b7fe-755450cc2049 BCHP 17 TE te É ṣib-te-e-[ti]
765f4e43-5e81-4263-927d-273c5cf5597b BCHP 17 AD at qa-la-at
c44eaefc-d1a2-42d4-b34a-32a9db05fca0 BCHP 17 QA qa qa-la-at
5f144ea0-b3b4-4f56-a327-26bd1d74cbbc BCHP 17 LA la qa-la-at
b6704624-68b7-4a04-ab60-41015b1bb0d9 BCHP 17 DUMU DUMU LÚ.DUMU.MEŠ
655c0051-567b-4e22-a81e-e67353f13061 BCHP 17 ŠI IGI IGI-ú
f6d0156d-6762-4787-8661-62a46e7d2005 BCHP 17 UL ul ul